Suchergebnis |
| Suche: Jensen, Alfred in Künstler Gefundene Exemplare: 1 |
| Autor 491 | Ting, Walasse | Titel | 1 Cent Life | Ort | Bern | Land | Schweiz | Jahr | 1964 | Edition | Kornfeld | Künstler | Jensen, Alfred
Rosenquist, James
Leslie, Alfred
Wesselmann, Tom
Ting, Walasse
Francis, Sam
Warhol, Andy
Rauschenberg, Robert
Sonderborg, K.R.H.
Lichtenstein, Roy
Appel, Karel
Oldenburg, Claes
Dine, Jim
Ramos, Mel
Jorn, Asger
Wesselmann, Tom
Alechinsky, Pierre
Baj, Enrico
Davie, Alan
Indiana, Robert
Jorn, Asger
Mitchell, Joan
Riopelle, Jean-Paul
Saura, Antonio
van Velde, Bram | Technik | Lithografien (62, 59 davon farbig), Reproduktionen, 15) | Ausstattung | 176 S., 41,3 x 30,2 cm, lose Bogen, in farbiger illustrierter
Leinwanddecke mit Umschlag von M. Appel, im Schuber | Auflage | 500/2000 + 100 signierte Exemplare | Anmerkungen | Eines von 2.000 unsignierten Exemplaren. Erste Ausgabe dieser Anthologie der amerikanischen und europäischen Avantgarde mit Beiträgen von 28 der bedeutendsten Pop-Künstler und deren Vorläufer. Mit Originallithografien von Jim Dine, Sam Francis, Asger Jorn, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Mel Ramos, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann u.a.. Eines der umfassendsten und interessantesten Künstlerbücher des 20. Jahrhunderts, da es die wichtigsten internationalen künstlerischen Strömungen dieser Zeit aufnimmt. Der Verleger Kornfeld beschreibt die Entstehungsgeschichte dieses Buches: "At the end of an enormously busy day, a small circle would meet nearly every evening in the studio of Sam Francis. To one of those evenings, Walasse Ting, a refugee from mainland China added a special touch. He had learned English as a sailor. He impressed people both with his direct linguistic formulations, and with his varied talent. He wrote poetry, and painted in three different styles: figurative, abstract and beautiful classic Chinese pictures. With a pencil, scrawling at great speed across the paper, he set out his project. With our help, he wanted to publish the most international illustrated book, intended to illustrate his text, uniting tachism, neo-dadaism, pop art, and all other artistic movements. The idea was born from global experience, close contact with culture, pseudo-culture, primitive existential worries, urban erotic and eastern wisdom. We were carried away with enthusiasm and began making preparations the following day. For two years it was a fascinating venture. Ting took up residence in Paris and personally supervised the printers for ten months. It was a Herculean task, for which only a Chinese would have been able to master the perseverance." (Kornfeld zitiert nach einer antiq. Titelaufnahme aus Der Autor beschreibt die Arbeit an seinen Gedichten folgendermaßen: "I wrote 61 poems in ’61 in a small black room like coffin, inside room only salami, whiskey, sexy photographs from Times Square. No Bible, no cookbook, no telephone book, no checkbook. Two short fingers typing, talking about World & Garbage, You and I, Egg and Earth." (Art News 65/3, Mai 1966, S. 67). | |
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